Google Books: la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. demora su decisión

¿Revisará la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. el caso Google Books? La incertidumbre continuará unas semanas más. La Corte todavía no ha dado a conocer decisión alguna, aunque el viernes 1 de abril tenía agendada la conferencia sobre el caso. La próxima conferencia tendrá lugar el 15 de abril, según informa Andrew Albanese en Publishers Weekly:

“The wait continues. The Supreme Court did not deliver a decision this morning (as was expected) on whether or not to hear the Authors Guild’s appeal in its long-running suit over Google’s book scanning. The case was on the docket for the court’s April 1 conference, with a decision to be made public today, however the case was absent from today’s orders list. … In all likelihood, lawyers tell PW, the court simply did not discuss the case at last Friday’s conference, and when the Supreme Court docket is updated, it most likely will be relisted for a future conference. The court’s next scheduled conference is April 15.”