Voy a estar en el Foro de Gobierno de Internet [IGF] de Naciones Unidas [UN] en representacin de la ONG Bienes Comunes [Aprender la Libertad] y de ccLearn. Fu invitado por el ‘Yale Information Society Project‘ al workshop The Digital Education and Information Policy Initiative: Towards the Development of Exceptions to and Limitations on Copyright in the Realm of Digital Education. El Foro tendr lugar en Rio de Janeiro entre los das 12 y 15 de Noviembre y el panel ser el martes a las 6:30 PM. Estar presentando en la sesin “3. Open Educational Resources and Participatory Learning”. Entre otros puntos el workshop estar dedicado a como:
“High-quality digitized educational resources offered freely, openly, globally to students, educators and self-learners can create a new cultural environment of digital education. Open educational materials can especially broaden the opportunities for those in developing countries around the globe.“