Call for papers: Free Culture Movement

Publicamos en Bienes Comunes que “este ao el 4to iSummit se desarrollar del 29 de Julio al 1 de Agosto en la Ciudad de Sapporo, Japn. En esta oportunidad se est organizando el “Primer Taller de Investigacin Interdisciplinaria sobre Cultura Libre / Librecultura” [First Interdisciplinary Research Workshop on Free Culture]. Para quienes estn interesados en el movimiento por la liberacin de la cultura en todas sus formas (ver manifiesto) les invitamos a descargar el Llamado a Publicar (Call for Paper) inicial. Ariel Vercelli es parte del Comite Acadmico del Programa y la desde la ONG Bienes Comunes estaremos bien activos en esta iniciativa del prximo iSummit. Los interesados no duden en contactarnos para la presentacin de papers y dems investigaciones. Entre otros temas se podrn presentar trabajos relacionados con:

Studies on the use and growth of open/free licensing models
Critical analyses of the role of Creative Commons or similar models in promoting a Free Culture
Building innovative technical, legal or business solutions and interfaces between the sharing economy and the commercial economy
Modeling incentives, innovation and community dynamics in open collaborative peer production and in related social networks
Economic models for the sustainability of commons-based production
Successes and failures of open licensing
Analyses of policies, court rulings or industry moves that influence the future of Free Culture Regional studies of Free Culture
Lessons from implementations of open/free licensing and distribution models for specific communities
Definitions of openness and freedom for different media types, users and communities
Broader sociopolitical, legal and cultural implications of Free Culture initiatives and peer production practices”

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