The 3rd Free Culture Research Conference

Este ao, al igual que en 2008 y 2009, ‘Bienes Comunes Asociacin Civil‘ est colaborando con la ‘3ra Conferencia de Investigacin sobre Librecultura (cultura libre)’ [‘3rd Free Culture Research Conference‘] que se desarrollar entre el 8 y 9 de octubre en la ciudad de Berlin, Alemania. Estas conferencias se han transformado en un lugar muy interesante para presentar trabajos, investigaciones y crticas sobre la librecultura (cultura libre) a nivel regional y mundial. Al igual que en aos anteriores voy a ser parte del Comit Acadmico. El envo de resmenes vence el 7 de junio. Este ao la conferencia se aboca a trabajar sobre ‘La librecultura entre los bienes comunes y los mercados: aproximacin hacia una Economa Hbrida? [‘Free Culture between Commons and Markets: Approaching the Hybrid Economy?’]. No duden en contactarnos ante cualquier inquietud sobre el evento. Entre los tpicos de inters se destacan:

* Studies on the use and growth of open/free licensing models
* Critical analyses of the role of Creative Commons or similar models
* The role of Free Culture in markets, industry, government, or the non-profit sector
* Technical, legal or business solutions towards a hybrid economy
* Incentives, innovation and community dynamics in open collaborative peer production
* Economic models for the sustainability of commons-based production
* The economic value of the public domain
* Business models and the public domain
* Successes and failures of open licensing
* Analyses of policies, court rulings or industry moves that influence the future of Free Culture
* Regional studies of Free Culture with global lessons
* Best practices from open/free licensing, and the application of different business and organizational models by specific communities or individuals
* Definitions of openness and freedom for different media types, users and communities
* Broader economic, sociopolitical, legal or cultural implications of Free Culture initiatives and peer production practices
* Methodological concerns in the study of Free Culture